Support Bare Native in the Fight Against Climate Change


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Less than 1% of all monies spent to reverse climate change is being given to the ocean. With over 70% of our planet covered in water, it is extraordinary that not more is being done to look to this powerful resource for solutions to our climate emergency.

This is why we need your help. Bare Native has been recognised as a leader in reversing the effects of climate change within water and restoring our food systems whilst sinking atmospheric carbon on an unprecedented scale never seen before. We are a disruptive, environmental company in an exciting, emerging territory that governments and science itself is beginning to wake up to. Bare Native has proven that it is a force to be reckoned with!

We’ve heard the voices of huge amounts of people yearning to do their part for the climate change emergency, not knowing how to help in a meaningful, powerful way; so we want to invite you to be part of our movement – your movement.

We have set ourselves incredible targets to sink one tonne of atmospheric carbon with every litre of our patent-pending nano-nutrient. It’s completely safe to our planet, regenerates water systems, and makes marine eco systems thrive once more.

Will you be part of this iconic journey to create a global-warming-defeating legacy product?

100% of your donations will go towards Bare Natives work to fund important research, further development towards the climate fighting nano nutrient and reaching out to impoverished communities, where water pollution is a fundamental issue. The money raised will contribute towards projects such as:

  • Providing funding for long sampling research on the Extreme E ship from Greenland to Europe. Extreme E takes electric racing to remote areas of the world to highlight climate change challenges, with laboratories on board, Bare Native will have the opportunity to undertake research in many different oceans.
  • Our continued work with Turin Polytechnica University under the guidance of Professor Peter Wadhams, will enable further research in their specialist laboratory which is essential to sampling different waters and how the nano-nutrient restores different waters.
  • Ensuring the further research and development at Canterbury Chrisitchurch University under the guidance of Dr Cornelia Wilson. Dr Wilson is crucial in analysing the varying pollutants and heavy metals that are found in water.
  • Helping us study the atmospheric carbon sinking opportunities across all water bodies around the world.
  • Maintaining and developing the means to protect marine eco systems and help them thrive.
  • Funding studies into the development of nano nutrients in improving the resilience and efficiency of agricultural products.
  • Helping us develop on-site power from the waste that is generated from large buildings, shopping centres and hospitals.
  • Supporting the livelihoods of fish farmers around the world, where water pollution is adversely impacting on their business.
  • Whilst everything here helps in the fight against climate change, we also want to use the development of our natural nano-nutrient so that it can be deployed to lower income countries where access to clean water can change everything.

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